David Gossman started his career on the engineering staff at a nuclear particle accelerator laboratory where it was often said that the engineers spent half their time working to prevent the physicists from killing themselves. Since then he provided early leadership to develop safe and secure systems for recycling wastes including hazardous wastes. He has designed, operated and built laboratories for quality testing designed to control and mitigate hazards to people, processes and the environment. He has taught classes in risk assessment procedures and methodologies in China and the Middle East. He is a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator and has performed many investigations of fires, explosions and incidents of chemical exposure and developed a comprehensive under-standing of what can go wrong and just how bad the end result of such incidents can be. He can bring that experience to bear on the needs of your operations analyze and minimize risks to people, business and the environment.
David Gossman, and Susan Gossman
The Curriculum Vitae of David Gossman
email dgossman@gcisolutions.com
These are just a sample of our extensive experience. Be sure to visit our library to get a full appreciation of our breadth of experience.
And also visit the library of Gossman Forensics, our provider of chemical and environmental forensic services and expert witness testimony. The investigation of fires and explosion as well as chemical spills and releases are part of our services. These links will take you off-site - please use your browser's Back button to return:
If you have questions or wish to set up a meeting please contact David Gossman at (563) 652-2822 or via e-mail at dgossman@gcisolutions.com.
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